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A unique web portal designed specifically for modern active youth. The goal of this project was to simplify the interaction between event organizers and volunteers involved in sports and cultural activities.

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Home service volural

The Goal of the Project

Developing a platform for promoting volunteer activities in the Urals, and for simplifying the process of selecting, coordinating and encouraging volunteers. Creating a modern, vivid information portal.


In order to obtain high quality results, the work was divided into the following stages:

  • Interfaces design
  • Creating design
  • Programming portal functionality

Design is an important step in developing any complex software product. While working on the Volural.ru project, the interfaces of all pages and forms of the future portal were designed:

The prototype service page volural The prototype service page volural

What have we got by developing prototypes of the interface? Firstly, we and the customer have a clear view of the future system. Secondly, we have obtained preliminary sketches of the future design of the system. Thirdly, the prototype can be used to build a structural model of the system and, without waiting for design completion, to start programming its logics.

We had to create a stylish, beautiful and modern design for the young. Here is how the pages looked at the design stage of development:

Page design service volural Дизайн страницы сервиса volural

Capabilities of the portal

  • Registering/authorization of volunteers and event organizers
  • Creating events for organizers and administrator management
  • Submitting applications for volunteers' participation in events
  • An incentive system for volunteers (a scoring mechanism for participation, awarding the best volunteers of the month)
  • Publishing portal news and current events
  • Photo gallery for recent events reports, and photo albums that can be created by volunteers themselves
  • Volunteers' hall of fame that is automatically generated according to the results of the month
  • Users' survey based on questions prepared by administrators in order to develop a more complete understanding for a volunteer who submitted an application for participation
  • Interaction with social networks (login via social networks, "like" buttons, etc.)
Home service volural

Possibility of the portal administration

  • Managing participants' roles templates for events
  • Managing the sets of initial data, such as educational institutions of the participants, and own data specified by the volunteers
  • Exporting data about volunteers and individual activities into an Excel-compatible format
  • Monitoring conflicts among the applications related to overlapping of various stages of activities, breakdown by the cities of the stages
  • Filtering the displayed data by participants' application status
  • Internal system of messaging between administrators and users
  • Creating answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ)
  • Editing users' questions
  • Forming a report about the event stage, or about its participants, in the form adapted for printing
Page administrator service volural

Summary of the Internet portal development

  1. Customers of the project (leaders of the volunteer movement in the Urals) have obtained a unique platform for coordinating volunteers and interaction with customers' events
  2. The project is being actively developed, and the number of registered users is doubled every month
  3. Runet has obtained a high-quality, beautiful, and, what is most important, convenient system for active youth :)

You are interested in developing a web project, but you don't know where to start? Call us: +7 (343) 290-84-76 or send a message, and you will get free advice on any subject you are interested in.

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